Our Mission Statement

To create living and learning environments that provide individual skill development, empowerment, and preparations for successful reintegration to society.
Our Vision

"The more the drive toward life is thwarted, the stronger is the drive toward destruction. The more life is realized, the less is the strength of destructiveness. Destructiveness is the outcome of unlived life."
-- Erich Fromm, 1941
"We are all born with gifts of human potential. But if these gifts are never given the necessary nurturance, cultivation, and opportunities to come to fruition they simply perish as unfulfilled potential."
--Mujeddid Muhammad, 2015

Who We Are
Mujeddid Muhammad has worked in the criminal justice system for upwards of 30 years, gaining experience as an offender, program facilitator, trauma informed advocate, and consultant. As a seasoned Restored Citizen, he is passionate about empowering people to rebuild their lives and cultivating self-sufficiency. In addition to providing shared housing opportunities, he also focuses on the relearning of values, attitudes, behaviors, marketable skills, accountability and responsibility, dignity, decency, integrity, residential readiness, and academic education that will enable returning citizens to transition back to society as successful, tax paying Restored Citizens, leading law-abiding, upstanding and productive lives.
This work involves dismantling institutional barriers that prevent returning citizens from being able to access employment, housing, occupational licensing, and meaningfully working towards self-sufficiency.
Restored Citizens FAITH Foundation provides men with safe transitional housing, assists with re-establishing community connections, and creates an environment that facilitates learning and healing from trauma. This enables residents to focus on preparing to rebuild their lives and working towards the dreams and aspirations of their future. Our unique approach focuses on personal transformation at the individual level, and at the same time stimulates social change to dismantle institutional barriers that affect aspiring Restored Citizens.
After serving upwards of 30 years in prison, speaking with numerous men who recidivated during that time, and finally transitioning out myself, it became clear to me that if returning citizens had the right learning environment, peer support advocates, mentoring, wraparound supportive services, and nurturance (Love), they would have a much greater chance of making it; they would not recidivate. I founded the Restored Citizens FAITH Foundation one year after my release from 27 years of incarceration, and I set out to prove that I am a Restored Citizen and what has been done can be done again, again, and again!
At RCFF we recognize that the first step after incarceration is stability. We provide them with housing that consist of a learning and nurturing environment that promotes healing from life traumas, as well as the trauma experiences while incarcerated.
We assist with reestablishing community connections:
Clothing & hygiene
Health Care
Driver license
Credit repair
Basic technology proficiency
Financial literacy
Employment readiness/Employment
Mental health support
Residential readiness
Certificate for Qualification of Employment (CQE)
Family reunification
We are experts in understanding and identifying both the visible and hidden barriers that continue to oppress us. It is critical to note, with programs to support reentry into mainstream society, formerly incarcerated individuals (now Restored Citizens) represent a sector of the American population who can contribute in meaningful ways and inspire change.