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My Story

Trauma Transformed is healing transferred. Healed people help people.


  I am the Founder/CEO of The Restored Citizens FAITH Foundation Mujeddid Rahim Muhammad (Formerly known as Stacey Lamour Marsh)​. Our primary focus is providing stable, nurturing, and learning environments for individuals transitioning out of prison. Each of our clients begins with an individualized assessment and then a development plan that is reflective of their needs and goals towards self-sufficiency. We focus on purchasing and rehabbing properties that will be turned into shared housing units to accommodate 3-4 individuals with private rooms of their own, while the rest of the home will be shared living space. We will help these individuals reacclimate back to society by providing a nurturing/learning environment, mentors, along with the requisite programming to prepare them for self-sufficiency within 6-12 months.

  The Restored Citizens FAITH Foundation is operated by Restored Citizens who have transformed their lives and now function as successful examples of what has been done can be done again. The distinguishing component of our approach is the creation of a structured environment tempered with love and culturally competent individuals who are able to facilitate healing through their own transformations. After inspiring sufficient healing in our residents we then shift our focus to a relearning of values, attitudes, behaviors, marketable skills, accountability and responsibility, dignity, decency, integrity, and academic education that will enable them to transition back to society as successful, tax paying Restored Citizens, leading law abiding, upstanding and productive lives.

A native of Columbus, Ohio. He was born to Reather Marsh and Willie Davis, April 30, 1966. He is a father of five children, 9 grandchildren, and one great-grandson. He is a graduate of Columbus Alternative Highschool. Presently, he is a student at Columbus State Community College in the Social Work and Human Services Degree program.


Trauma not transformed is transferred. Hurt people, hurt people. Mujeddid’s life was a testament of this adage. At the age of 9 he was sexually abused while in the Boy scouts. He would carry this dark secret for the next 16 years as it wreaked havoc in his life. From the age of 12-16 he was in and out of five juvenile institutions. At the age of 17 he was removed from the juvenile system and tried as an adult. At the age of 18, facing a sentence of 4-15 years, he entered one of the worse prisons in the State of Ohio at that time, Mansfield Reformatory. He served four years. The operative word here is served. Having not yet transformed the trauma…still stuck on stupid and parked on dumb, two years after his release Mujeddid was convicted again, receiving a sentence of 32 years. The many months of detention as a juvenile and the initial four-year incarceration as an adult did nothing to liberate or rehabilitate him because he did not encounter anything or anyone to ignite the healing process. He was simply serving dead time and did not possess the language or understanding to communicate what was going on with him.


However, it was during the 27 years of his last incarceration that the introspective soul searching, restorative healing, character reformation, spiritual growth and development, academic growth and development, deep remorse/accountability for his past, and a strong and abiding conviction to make a difference in his future and the lives of others begin. Today, through his example and his work he unequivocally demonstrates that the traumatized and self-destructive person of his past has been redeemed. His life is a testament of the adage, Trauma transformed is healing transferred. Healed people help people. He is forever an alumnus of the Alternatives to Violence Project and the Horizon Prison Initiative. He proudly proclaims that these programs added the finishing touches to his healing journey and the clarity and focus to his vision to help others.

Of course, Mujeddid would be remiss if he did not speak of his spiritual gestation, which occurred under the tutelage of the Nation of Islam and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. He makes particular mention of the Self Improvement: The Basis of Community Development Study Guides, authored by Minister Farrakhan. He gives credit to those Teachings for helping to shape his character, integrity, dignity, decency, responsibility, accountability, discipline, and most importantly, his spiritual name. Mujeddid means, reformer or one who reforms

Mujeddid is currently a Self-Sufficiency Coordinator, Program Instructor, mentor and life coach at IMPACT Community Action, a certified facilitator for Creating Lasting Family Connections, and Action for Children’s Father Factor Program. He serves as the Community Outreach Manager for the Horizon Prison Initiative, Head, Heart, Hands. He is also the Founder/CEO of The Restored Citizens FAITH Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization.

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